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STOR/SEGB/CONET/STOS Big Bundle Pack 1.x

STOR/SEGB/CONET/STOS Big Bundle Pack 1.x

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STOR/SEGB/CONET/STOS Big Bundle Pack Publisher's Description

Square-to-Round (STOR) is a software application to design square-to-circle transformers. Within the construction industry, tradesmen and especially sheet metal workers need to know how to construct a square-to-round. Square-to-rounds are often used for hoppers, stove chimney hoods and HVAC pipe work systems.

Square-to-rounds are everywhere - you'll never notice them unless you're looking for them. Geometrically I am talking about a 3D body that transforms from a square to a round: table legs, hanging baskets, lamp shades, bottle necks, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, and duct work. The program allows you to type in the minimum of geometric information to be able to draw a square to round surface flattened out onto a 2D plane. The program also exports suitable 3D geometry for games engines, web graphics, and CAD operators.

You can find more information at: Segmental Bend (SEGB) is not just an alternative method to the manual drawing of patterns but an engineering tool to help design the transformations. You can control key geometrical parameters and perform advanced calculations like finding the internal volume of a bend. SEGB is not only designed for the typical 6 segment bend but for a 1 segment branch piece, 2 segment elbows, 3 piece return elbows or even a 25 segment ornamental toroid. Crucially, the software allows you to evaluate an oblique vs. a right segmental bend for you particular application.

The segmental bend is often used for HVAC duct work. Often you will be able to buy off the shelf bends made up for all the common diameters and various angles like 30,45,60 and 90 Deg. but it's important to be able to design a make a bend of unusual dimensions.

Cone Transformer (CONET)

CONET makes the design of sheet metal conical work very easy and the pattern draughting of a cone surface flattened onto a 2D plane is reduced to entering a few key dimensions. CONET can handle right and oblique, full or frustum cones. Like with all Ty Harness Sheet Metal applications you control the design via parameter inputs. Cones are often used as hoppers, nozzles and transition pieces between pipes of different diameters.

The parameters describing a cone have been chosen for different users. CONET allows a tradesman/sheet metal worker to work in the dimensions that are easily measured on site or in the shop: Diameter, frustum height, and frustum offset. The sheet metal worker may not care about the surface area, volume or apex position. The costing department will need perimeters and areas for quoting and ordering etc. The engineer may need the internal volume for calculations. The parameter input method means you do not need any draughting or CAD skills to design sheet metal components - there is practically no learning curve.

Square TO Square (STOS)

The square to square frustum is probably the most common sheet metal transformation. There are many applications from boxes, trays, moulds, hoppers, skips, etc. Trays and skips are very often tapered to allow stacking. Release moulds for concrete lintels or fence posts are all slightly tapered. If you work in the welding and fabrication industry then I am sure you have already made a 1000 hoppers because they are used absolutely everywhere. Like with all Ty Harness Sheet Metal applications then it comes down to the speed of draughting. No one minds spending a bit of time on the initial design but the revisions are painful and costly so this tool really benefits the draughtsman time and the firm's money as and when someone revises the elevation height for the nth time.

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